N7 Rathcoole Pedestrian Bridge

N7 Rathcoole Pedestrian Bridge report on poor condition update - Repairs now promised by TII


Dear Deputy Higgins,

I refer to your email of 22 June 2021 on behalf of residents of Rathcoole, Co. Dublin, regarding the above. The position in relation to your enquiry is as follows.

At the outset I should clarify that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is aware of the maintenance needs of the structure in question and is currently taking steps to appoint a consultant to review any necessary works, both structural and aesthetic, with a view to establishing a contract to cover rehabilitation of the structure as a whole. Whilst the limited available funding and competing demands for that funding is acknowledged, I can confirm that TII has committed to undertaking this work as part of the current bridge management programme.

In relation to general maintenance of the structure, this is managed on TII’s behalf by Globalvia Jons Ltd, the motorway maintenance and renewals contractor for the area. Globalvia Jons is required to undertake a sweep and clean once every 13 weeks. Their next scheduled intervention will happen over the next two to three weeks.

I hope that this information is of assistance to you.

Yours sincerely,

Amy O’Shaughnessy

Senior Regulatory & Administration Executive

Ref No. TII21-113528